CALL FOR PAPERS: “200 Years: 50 Voices”

A Special Issue of the Keats-Shelley Journal

In the spirit of Romantics200, and in the midst of the anniversaries in which we now find ourselves, the Keats-Shelley Journal seeks to gather for its 2019 issue a collection of “50 Voices” from various corners of the field. Contributions will attend to the current and future state of scholarship focused on John Keats, Mary Shelley, Percy Shelley, Lord Byron, Leigh Hunt, and their circles of mutual influence and context. To that end, we call for submissions of 500-word (maximum) “flash essays” that express what you believe to be a pressing question or issue our collective work as Romanticists should address in the next decade. Critical methodologies, author-based queries, poetics, gender trouble, diversifying the field, public engagement, historical conditions, academic politics, pedagogies, shifting field logics, canonicity, digital-print relations, even novel and idiosyncratic approaches are all fair game, as long as your offering has some clear connection to K-SJ's focus. Because the issue will aim to display a range of voices across generational and professional boundaries, we especially encourage graduate students, independent scholars, and early-career researchers to submit essays. The majority of the collection will consist of unsolicited submissions we receive.

A copy of the Keats-Shelley Journal, est. 1952

Please provide a very brief title for your piece and keep citations and footnotes to a minimum. We would expect contributions to be submitted by May 1, 2019, with decisions to come soonthereafter for inclusion in the year's issue, scheduled to be published in Fall 2019. We are also planning an online forum and possibly a symposium next year to promote follow-up discussions of the collection.

Please submit MS Word documents to with the subject line “50Voices: [TITLE].” Submissions should follow relevant elements of KSJ House style (available at Questions and comments can be directed to Jonathan Mulrooney, K-SJ Editor, also at We look forward to hearing from you!


K-SAA Distinguished Scholar: An Interview with Beth Lau


Finding Shelley in Barcelona, 2018