Call for Papers: Commonplacing

We invite you to participate in K-SAA’s 2023-2024 public outreach initiative (Sept. 2023-May 2024). This public outreach initiative is our way of connecting with teachers and students of all levels, as well as the general public. Over the coming year, we will explore the ancient scholarly practice of commonplace book-keeping along with its vibrant modern descendent, scrapbooking. We are seeking contributions from teachers of grades 6-12, community college instructors, university faculty, librarians, and students. You can learn more about the initiative here.

At present, we are asking for contributions that address the ways commonplacing has worked in your classrooms. These could include:

-Sample assignments

-Sample lesson plans

-Sample syllabi

-Samples of student work

-Blog posts reflecting on commonplacing as a pedagogical practice

-Blog posts on commonplacing as a way to revisit study skills like note taking and annotation and as a means of promoting retention

-Interviews with students or faculty about commonplacing practices

-In-depth feature on a brief section or page of a particular commonplace book

If you’ve not yet incorporated commonplacing into your courses, we invite you to consider how commonplacing may be incorporated into your classes in the spring. We would love to collaborate and share ideas about commonplacing as a useful pedagogical tool and community-building activity. 

Our aim is to create content linked to both the Keats-Shelley Journal page and the K-SAA Commonplacing page that illustrates how commonplacing is being used in classrooms at many different levels. We would love to share your effective approaches and takes on its usefulness, as well as to have assignments, syllabi, and lesson plans available as resources for anyone wishing to incorporate this aspect of 19th century studies into their courses. 

If you have any questions or would like to contribute to the commonplacing initiative, please contact K-SJ+ Fellow, Kacie Wills,


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